Below you find a list of my publications, lectures, conferences and other activities:
- Organizer of Conference Embodiment in Arts Education together with Melissa Bremmer, 12th-13th of December 2015. Amsterdam: University of the Arts.
- Performance lecture ‘Participatory sense-making: rhythm, repetition and affective resonance in dance’, together with Sarah Abicht and Maxine van Lishout. Conference ‘Worlding the Brain’, University of Amsterdam, 9th of March, 2016, Compagnietheater.
- Hermans, C. (2016). Differences in Itself: Redefining Disability through Dance. Social Inclusion, 4(4), 160–167. DOI: 10.17645/si.v4i4.699
- Lecture: ‘Conversation in Movement #1’. At the ‘Dance Studies Conference, Thinking Touch in Partnering and Contact Improvisation’, University of Malta, 30th of June 2016
- Lecture: ‘Conversation in Movement #2’. At the ‘Disability, Arts and Health Conference’, Nordic Network, University of Bergen, Norway, 1-2 September 2016.
- Lecture: Let’s dance: participatory sense-making in an 8-year-old boy with autism. At ‘A Body of Knowledge: Embodied Cognition and the Arts Conference’, Irvine University, California, 8-10 of December 2016.
- Provocation: Why do you think that you but not me should be on stage? Carolien Hermans & Lisa Scheers. Conference ‘With Children: The Child as Collaborator and Performer’, Leeds Beckett University, 28th Of January 2017, Leeds.
- Performance lecture together with Lisa Scheers: The animal body. Lecture at the Dance and Somatic Practices Conference, 7-9th of July 2017, Coventry University, Coventry.
- Organizer of the conference ‘Arts education for children with a disability’ together with M. Bremmer, LKCA, Professorship Arts Education and Conservatory of Amsterdam.
- Hermans, C. (2018). Let’s dance: participatory sense-making in an 8-year-old boy with autism. Journal of Dance Education, 00, 1-11. DOI: 10.1080/15290824.2018.1422254
- Lecture: ‘Embodiment in Dance Education’, at the conference ‘Bewegen is Leren, Euritmie in gesprek met Wetenschap’, Hogeschool Leiden, 9thof March, 2018
- ADiE, research intensive for doctoral candidates in dance and body-based performance, Stockholm University of the Arts, 19-23 March 2018, Sweden.
- ADiE, research intensive for doctoral candidates in dance and body-based performance, Chichester University of the Arts, June 25-29 2018, England
- Lecture: ‘Methods of an Embodied mind’, part of the Science & Society Session, Akademie Berlin-Schmöckwitz, 5-6 July 2018, ENCODS, European Neuroscience Conference of Doctoral Students.
- Hermans, C. (2018). Joint action and joint attention: dance improvisation and children’s physical play as participatory sense- making activities. Choreographic Practices, 9(2), 311-332. DOI: 10.1386/chor.9.2.187_2.
- Lamers, V., Hermans, C., & Bremmer, M. (2018). De Multi-Modale Muziekbubbel: Muzieklessen in het Speciaal Onderwijs aan Kinderen met een Ernstige Beperking. Amsterdam: AHK, Lectoraat Kunsteducatie.
- Hermans, C. (2019). Becoming Animal: Childrens’ Physical play and Dance improvisation as Transformative Activities that Generate Novel Meanings. Journal of Dance & Somatic Practices, 11(2), 157-175. DOI:
- Hermans, C., & Mulder, N. Een duik in het diepe. Utrecht: HKU.
- Hermans, C. (2020). Of the animal body: transforming the notion of disability through different readings of touch, prosthetic devices, and contact improvisation. In M. Sarco-Thomas (Ed.), Thinking Touch in Partnering and Contact Improvisation: Philosophy, Pedagogy, Practice, (pp. 221-240). Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Bremmer, M., Hermans, C., & Lamers, V. (2020). The charmed dyad: Multimodal music lessons for pupils with severe or multiple disabilities. Research Studies in Music Education,
- Hermans, C. (2021). A Sense of Balancing: Moving In-Between the Vertical and Horizontal Plane. Platform: Journal of Theatre and Performing Arts, 15(1), 144-153.
- Hermans, C. (2021). To Touch and to Be Touched: Interconnectedness and Participatory Sense-making in Play and Dance Improvisation. Journal of Dance Education. DOI:
- Hermans, C. (2022). Oceanic Feeling: Towards a Fluid Philosophy of Moving Bodies. Journal of Dance & Somatic Practices, 13(1-2), 133-143.
- Hermans, C. (2022). Between Scribbling and Writing: The Line that is on its way. Drawing: Research, Theory, Practice, 7(1), 39-58.
- Organizer of mini-symposium ‘The societal relevance of improvisation in music and dance followed by a panel discussion on artistic doctorates in the performing arts’, 30 November 2022, Conservatorium van Amsterdam in collaboration with ACPA. Lectures and panel discussion with Henk Borgdorff, Eeva Antilla, Charlotte Svendler Nielsen, Luc Nijs, Vida Midgelow, Laura Cull, Michiel Schuijer, Anke Haarmann, Liesbet van Zoonen, Laura Cull and Scott deLahunta.
- Hermans, C. (2023). Let’s play: re-enactment of affective traces through dance improvisation. Capacious: Journal for Emerging Affect Inquiry,3(1),
- Hermans, C. (2023). Pedagogiek van het onderweg zijn: een verzameling essays over het pedagogisch milieu, het dialogisch proces en het onderwijs als tussenruimte. Antwerpen: Garant Uitgeverij.
- ‘Taking Responsibility’. A one-day seminar, hosted and organised by Jonathan Szegedi, with panel talks and workshops with the goal of uncovering possibilities of taking responsibility towards shaping a more sustainable and inclusive reality, in and outside of the arts. October 2023, Conservatorium van Amsterdam.
- Member and host of the ‘Ecological Pedagogy Group’, Specialist Interest Group of the Society of Artistic Research, in collaboration with UniArts, Helsinki.
- Member of the ‘Posthumanism and Education’ working group organized by Floor van Basten.
- Hermans, C. (2023). Interview Artistic Research. Dans Magazine, 40(2), 39-40.
- Hermans, C. (2023). Interview: ‘Maak het lichaam leidend en taal begeleidend in zingevende participatie’. Cultuurkrant, May 2023.
- Hermans, C. (2023). Gadeslaan, ter plaatse trappelen en aandachtige betrokkenheid: pedagogische vertrekpunten voor de beginnende docent. School- en Klaspraktijk, 63(4), 34-39.
- Hermans, C. (2024). The storyline approach as a didactic tool to promote efficacy beliefs of (student) teachers in creative music activities with young children. Research Studies in Music Education. Currently under review.
- Hermans, C. (2024). Tussenstrook: geen land en nog geen zee. To be published in Cultuur+Educatie, editors Thomas De Baets (BE) & Peter De Graeve (BE).
- Hermans, C. (2028). Grounded Fear: An Examination of Western Adults’ Limited Squatting and Floor Mobility. Journal of Artificial Affordances and Evolving Constraints in Western Man, 2(8), 28-36
- Hermans, C. (2032). Songs of the earth: are we beyond repair? Catastrophies, 3(11), 14-24
- Hermans, C. (2032). Well, it is too late to say we’re sorry. How should we know? Why should we care? Journal of Major Disasters, 6(2), 28-42
- Hermans, C. (2038). And I say, hey-ey-ey. Hey-ey-ey. I said “Hey, what’s going on? Journal of Worlds Tumbling Down, 7(5), 65-78.
- Hermans C. (2038). Two giraffes spotted on Antarctica. Journal of Unusual Animal Behaviour, 2(2), 12-15.
- Hermans, C. (2038). Disease X: microbial threat spreading fast in Eastern Africa. Journal of Deadly Viruses, 3(7), 334-354
- Hermans, C (2040). Gill formation amongst the inhabitants of Vanuatu. Human Adaptive Behavior to Global Crisis, 12(4), 12-18.
- Hermans, C. (2040). Adaptive Changes in Human Jaw Morphology: Exploring Mandibular and Maxillary Size Reduction in Silicon Valley Due to Excessive Fluid Food Consumption. Journal of Emerging Health Hazards: Trends and Implications, 6(8), 12-20.